News 2020 - Cape Verde - July
News 2020 - July - covid-19 situation in Cape Verde
News from Cape Verde - July 2020
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July News: The links below will take you to the full articles that appear in the news during July 2020, which are uploaded onto this page every
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31st - Portuguese Embassy resumes visa applications for medical treatment and accompaniment of family members subject to medical treatment. (Noticias do Norte - 31.7.20)
31st - Recovered cases = 30 on Santiago, 38 on Sal. (Opais - 31.7.20)
31st - New rules for flying to and from Portugal from 1st - 15th August 2020.(Portugal Government - 31.7.20)
30th - Cape Verde recorded 45 more new cases of infection with the new coronavirus, the majority on Santiago Island, the main focus of the Covid-19 pandemic and 7 more new cases on Sal Island. (Noticias do Norte - 30.7.20)
30th - Although there were only 19 cases reported yesterday, all of which were on the island of Santiago, the fact that the Virology Lab on Sal Island is still out of action is a concern to many islanders. (Noticias do Norte - 30.7.20)
30th - CVInterIlhas limits hand luggage on the São Vicente / Santo Antão line. (Noticias do Norte - 30.7.20)
Announcement by Camara do Sal - Commencing from 27th July 2020 - Work to take place over 3 months along Rua Amilcar Cabral, Santa Maria (same road
as Pharmacy). The road will be closed to vehicles. {module_literature filter="item" itemId="152100"}
29th - Cape Verde reopens international borders in the second half of August. Cape Verde will reopen its international borders, closed since March 19 due to the pandemic, in the second half of August. Presentation of tests to Covid-19 should be mandatory. (Observador - 29.7.20)
28th - Minister Carlos Santos welcomes Ambassador from Russia. Airborne agreement and attraction of Russian tourists on the agenda. (Facebook - 28.7.20)
28th - Government authorizes guarantee to Cabo Verde Airlines for loan up to US $ 12 million. (Africa21Digital - 28.7.20)
28th - Prefab floating music ‘village’ takes shape in Mindelo, Sao Vicente, Cape Verde. (Wallpaper - 28.7.20)
28th - 26 new positive cases of Covid-19 were also reported on the last day. Of these, 21 were registered in Cidade da Praia, 3 in São Miguel, 1 in Ribeira Brava and 1 in Ilha do Sal. (Opais - 28.7.20)
28th - TAP will resume flights from Portugal to Cape Verde on Saturday, August 1st, with eight weekly connections, divided between airports in the city of Praia and Mindelo. But in September, according to TAP, flights to S. Vicente will be reduced to two per week. (Noticias do Norte - 28.7.20)
27th - Covid-19: 21 more new cases, all on the island of Santiago. (Noticias do Norte - 27.7.20)
27th - IGAE inspector general says that the Beach Bar "Brasileirinha" in Santa Maria is an illegal kiosk and without a license to sell alcoholic beverages. (TCV - 27.7.20)
27th - Due to technical reasons pointed out by the Government, in August the island of Sal will not receive flights from Portugal, these will resume in September with 3 flights a week. (Noticias do Norte - 28.7.20)
27th - New lay-off will have retroactive effects and provides for non-dismissal by the end of the year. (Noticias do Norte - 27.7.20)
27th - Covid-19. Sal's laboratory working again. After three days of inactivity, due to a problem, the laboratory returned to work yesterday, and samples from the island are already being analyzed. (Opais - 27.7.20)
27th - Government cuts 25% of investment in cruise terminal in São Vicente.(Sapo - 27.7.20)
25th - New simplified lay-off regime in Cape Verde prohibits dismissals. (Expresso das Ilhas - 25.7.20)
24th - Santa Catarina de Santiago had 2, the same number as Ilha do Sal and São Miguel and São Lourenço dos Órgãos with 1 each. (Opais - 24.7.20)
24th - Re the Boletim Oficial, of 23rd July -
Law 96 / IX / 2020 - Article 14
According to article 14 of Law 96 / IX / 2020, adherence to the "second lay-off" (July - September), unlike the first (April - June), provides
for the obligation on the part of the entrepreneur not to fire employees, for "extinction of the job or collective dismissal" up to 120 days
after the end of the contract, all this regardless of the unpredictable socio-economic conditions that will be present at the time the benefit
ends (September 30).
In summary, with the adhesion to this "second lay-off", the entrepreneur declares "implicitly" that he has the financial strength to pay 100% of
the salaries, plus the social contribution, also for the period October 1, 2020, until January 31, 2021.
Many businessmen already comment that this decree may contain elements of unconstitutionality.
The Boletim Official has been published confirming lay-off from July 1st until September 30th.
Some amendments are noteworthy:
- company owners and managers are excluded from benefit
- there is the company's obligation to train employees
- the benefit of lay-off ends in case of profit distribution
It is also timely to remember that obtaining this benefit forces the company not to dismiss workers within 120 days of September 30.
Thank you Renato Evarchi for the clarification and providing it in a format suitable for translation.
How will these s businesses comply with this demand? No tourism = No Income!!!
23rd - The Boletim Oficial (The Official Bulletin is in Portuguese) has been published and confirming the "lay-off" from 1st July to 30th September.
(PDF - Official Bulletin - Lay Off Rules - July 2020). {module_literature filter="item" itemId="152099"}
23rd - The rules for access to beaches due to the Covid-19 pandemic are essentially remoteness, that is, maintaining social distance, avoiding collective sports, picnics and camps. Beaches may be banned again if users do not respect the rules, warns IMP. (RCV - 23.7.20)
23rd - (Thursday): Covid-19. 0 on Sal. 35 on Santiago and 1 on Sao Nicolau. (Opais - 23.7.20)
23rd - Possible repatriation flight from Cape Verde to the Netherlands / Europe. (Google Doc - 23.7.20)
23rd - Cape Verde expects 45% more donations due to pandemic. (Expresso das Ilhas - 23.7.20)
22nd - Video News: Multi-sectoral team in Sal makes visits to monitor measures to combat Covid-19. (TCV - 22.7.20)
22nd - Covid-19 blocks tourism sector. Carlos Santos, who was speaking this morning at the MpD Parliamentary Group conference-forum, as part of the preparation of the debate on the State of the Nation, predicted that only in 2023, our country could again register tourists, similar to 2019. (Opais - 22.7.20)
22nd - 39 cases on Santiago, 8 on Sal Island. (Opais - 22.7.20)
22nd - Exceptional and temporary measure for the protection of jobs, within the scope of the covid-19 pandemic.(RCV - 22.7.20)
21st: Covid-19: 36 more new cases raise the national total to 2,107. There are 28 new cases on the island of Santiago and 8 on Sal. (Noticias do Norte - 21.7.20)
21st - Coronavirus - The Day in Review ( Expresso das Ilhas - 21,7.20)
21st - IMP calls on everyone to comply with the rules on access to beaches, remembering that the spread of Covid-19 is a public health problem that requires the assumption of the responsibility of each of us in their fight. (Facebook - 21.7.20)
20th - Video News Report from Sal - Concern over social distancing in Santa Maria, Sal, reported on News Channel. (Sapo - 7.7.20)
20th: Yesterday afternoon (20th July 2020) the Minister of Tourism and Transport, Carlos Santos, during a meeting with a group of entrepreneurs
announced that Cape Verde airports will reopen to international traffic starting from August 15th. By the end of the month, a group of TUI
executives will visit Cape Verde to check if there are conditions to reopen their resorts. Source: Renato Evarchi ( he was present at the meeting).
No Link.
20th - Sal: Director of SalEncena calls for everyone's responsibility in the fight against Covid-19. (Opais - 2.7.20)
19th - Cape Verde recorded 28 more positive cases and 67 recovered in the last hours. The country counts 1047 active cases and 1040 recovered. Today - Santiago 20, Sal 5, Sao Nicolau 3. (Expresso das Ilhas - 19.7.20)
18th - In Santiago Island, 66 new cases. São Nicolau Island registered 3 new infections and Ilha do Sal had 6 more. (Opais - 18.7.20)
18th - Covid-19: Tests performed on Friday 17th July, for travel purposes resulted in 17 positives...... 65 rapid tests were carried out in Cidade da Praia (Santiago), two of which were positive and Sal 84 with 15 positives. (Sapo - 18.7.20)
18th - Covid-19 - A 58-year-old woman suffering from pre-existing diseases has died at the hospital in Praia. This is the 21st death "for or with Covid-19". (Opais - 18.7.20)
17th: 37 cases on Santiago, 8 on Sal Island. (Opais - 17.7.20)
17th: Cape Verde wants strategic partnership with the European Union - Prime Minister. (Porto Canal - 17.7.20)
17th: EU updates list of countries to reopen borders: Cape Verde remains out. (Mindel Insite - 17.7.20)
16th - 57 new infections were registered, Santiago 39, Sal 18. (Opais - 16.7.20)
16th - CVTelecom does not know when call service will recommence (RTC - 16.7.20)
16th - Covid-19 / São Vicente. Case diagnosed yesterday was imported from Portugal. (Opais - 16.7.20)
16th - Info for British Nationals: The British Embassy in Portugal is made aware of repatriation flights organised by other foreign
diplomatic missions in Cape Verde and this information has been shared by the EU Delegation on Praia. LINK:
We refer all our British nationals in Cape Verde seeking assistance and information to our FCO Travel Advice for Cape Verde which we regularly
update and which British nationals can sign up for alerts. LINK:
We also publish useful information on our social media channels BritsInPortugal | Facebook | Twitter although it is more Portugal specific.
British Vice Consulate | Edificio A Fabrica | 8501-912 Portimão | Portugal
15th - Top factors travelers will consider before planning a trip – what hard-hit countries can consider. (World economic Forum - 15.7.20)
15th - Covid-19: 58 cases reported today in Cape Verde, Sal = 23, Santiago = 22, Sao Nicolau = 12, Sao Vicente =1. (Opais - 15.7.20)
15th - Very sad news: Santa Maria - 5-year-old boy escapes from adult control and drowns in the "quintalona" beach which is located near the swimming pool of the Porto Antigo residence. The episode happened around 04.00 PM and the child died shortly before arriving at the Santa Maria clinic where any attempt to save him resulted in vain. Video News: (Sapo - 15.7.20)
15th - Cape Verde analyzes hypothesis of demanding tests from people visiting the country. (Noticias do Norte - 15.7.20)
15th - TCV News report in Portuguese with video. Re-extradition of Alex Saab. (TCV - 15.7.20)
15th - Scientists have never seen another virus attack the brain in the same way as the virus that causes COVID-19, says doctor Michael Zandi, the study's lead author. Something unusual is severe brain damage even in patients with mild symptoms. (Sapo - 15.7.20)
14th - Country registered 61 new cases of Covid-19. Of these, Praia had 31, Sal, 25, São Nicolau, 4 and Santa Catarina de Santiago, 1. (Opais - 14.7.20)
14th - New State Budget provides incentives in salaries for micro companies. (Opais - 14.7.20)
14th - Registration form for meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister / Minister of Finance and National Business Entrepreneurs to be held on 14th has been postponed until the 20th. National Business Entrepreneurs can use the registration form to put questions to the Ministers and express their concerns. (Google Docs - 14.7.20)
13th - 24 positive cases reported today, 19 of them are on Sal Island. (Opais - 13.7.20)
13th - IMP (Port Maritime Institute) have stated that beaches can open on 7 islands without opening and closing time restrictions, with the exception on the beaches on Sal Island. Santiago's beaches remain completely closed. (Expresso das Ilhas - 13.7.20)
13th: CVTelecom - Calls from CV landlines and mobiles still down this morning. (Expresso das Ilhas - 13.7.20)
12th: Cape Verde confirmed this Sunday another 75 infected by the new coronavirus, 29 of which are on Sal Island. (Cofina Media - 12.7.20)
12th - Fire causes cut in communications of Cabo Verde Telecom. Outtage affected phones, TV and Internet for 24hrs. (A Nacao - 12.7.20)
11th - Sal Virology Laboratory diagnosed 3 positive cases. (Opais - 11.7.20)
11th - The Sal laboratory is dedicated to the treatment and analysis of the results of samples from Sal and Boa Vista, and the collection will be done at the Sal police station. (RCV - 11.7.20)
10th - Rapid screening tests for covid-19 cost 1,000 escudos to anyone wishing to travel from Santiago and Sal. (Noticias do Norte - 10.7.20)
10th - 500 test samples from Sal still waiting for processing on Sao Vicente (RCV - 10.7.20)
10th - Covid-19: 38 cases reported... 6 on Sal, the rest on Santiago. (Opais - 10.7.20)
10th - Updated from the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde. (Facebook - 10.7.20)
10th - The company Transportes Interilhas de Cabo Verde (TICV) ... (Ex Binter).... considers "absolutely necessary" and "urgent" the resumption of domestic flights in the archipelago, admitting that the airline, stopped since March 29, faces "very high" financial losses. (Expresso das Ilhas - 10.7.20)
9th - The day in review (Expresso das Ilhas - 9.7.20)
8th - This Tuesday, health authorities confirmed yet another death associated with the new coronavirus in the city of Praia, Santiago. (RCV - 8.7.20)
8th - 43 new cases today, none on Sal. (Opais - 8.7.20)
8th - Covid-19: Virology laboratory installed in Sal ready to start operating from July 10th. (Sapo - 8.7.20)
8th - Cape Verde wants recovery with 30-year loans to be paid after 2025. (Expresso das Ilhas - 8.7.20)
8th - Wedding Services provided by Cape Verde Tips on Sal Island - Notice of changes being introduced! (Cheryl - 8.7.20)
7th - The day in review and more death. (Expresso das Ilhas - 7.7.20)
7th - 37 more new cases: 25 on Santiago, 12 on Sal. (Opais - 7.7.20)
7th - Non-Portuguese or foreign nationals without residence in Portugal who do not have a negative test on COVID-19 on arrival must do so at the airport and pay and the company that transported them will have fines of 1,000 euros / passenger. (Sapo - 7.7.20)
7th - Ilha Brava recorded the fall of the first precipitation yesterday, in the late afternoon.Yesterday's rains lasted about half an hour, enough to wet the land and revive the hopes of the countrymen.(Opais - 7.7.20)
6th - Cases today: total 12, all on the island of Santiago. (Opais - 6.7.20)
6th - The island of Sal now has the first aircraft simulator 737 800 - NG (new generation), in an investment of 120 thousand dollars by the Angolan businessman Carlos Pinto. Its situated in the Socol Shopping Centre. (Sapo - 6.7.20)
6th - Good video of Sal (14min).... tourism based....effects of virus on tourism and employment. (Sapo - 3.7.20)
5th - One more person passed away on the island of Santiago. Positive cases today: Santiago Island has 16 more infections, Sal plus 7, and Ribeira Brava de São Nicolau plus 8. (Opais -5.7.20)
5th - Cape Verde celebrates today (5th July), 45 years of Independence. (Opais - 4.7.20)
4th - Technicians must arrive in Sal on Sunday to install a diagnostic center. (Mindel Insite - 4.7.20)
3rd - Cape Verde sets a new daily record for Covid-19. There are 83 new cases, of these 63 are on Santiago and 20 on Sal Island. (Opais - 3.7.20)
3rd - Passengers will pay 885 euros to return to Portugal on a TAP repatriation flight. (Noticias do Norte - 3.7.20)
2nd - Patients without symptoms in Cape Verde begin to perform home isolation. (Sapo - 2.7.20)
2nd - Passengers traveling to Portugal have already started to be tested for covid-19. (Noticias do Norte - 2.7.20)
2nd - Cidade da Praia registered 19 more cases, Santa Catarina de Santiago, 11, Santa Cruz, 2 and Sal Island 1. (Opais - 2.7.20)
1st - Tino Mosso is the PAICV candidate for the presidency of the municipal council of Sal. (Expresso das Ilhas - 1.7.20)
1st - Covid-19. 35 more cases are registered on Santiago Island, 5 on Sal Island. (Opais - 1.7.20)
1st - The National Director of Health, Artur Correia, reiterated yesterday, 30, that the fight against the covid-19 in Cape Verde will only be won if there is a “strong involvement” of all civil society actors. (Sapo - 1.7.20)
1st - the lay-off extension to private sector companies and their workers comes into effect today (RCV - 1.7.20)